
Do you ever wonder how some business owners achieve SO much, SO fast and with seemingly NO effort at all? And would you like to learn how these peak performers continually outperform the market whilst living their own lives to the fullest at the same time? Join Tristan and Sarah as they reveal the crucial strategy behind how peak performers get more done, grow faster, have more fun and do it all stress free. It all starts with getting into your Success Flow State.

Email marketing is STILL king! But with more people using email as a marketing tool, you need to stand out from everyone else in your inbox. Join Tristan Bond and Sarah Pappas, the strategists behind Practice Acceleration’s marketing hub in this episode as they reveal the ninja marketing hacks to 10x the response you are currently getting from your email marketing. Listen to the end and you’ll also gain access to a done for you email campaign that you can use immediately.

Do you want to grow your healthcare brand and attract a limitless supply of the “right type” of new patients? I’m betting the answer to that question is a resounding heck yes! Well, this episode is exactly what you want need. Learn how to use video marketing to power your brand, create powerful and far reaching awareness and build a pipeline of new patients hungry to work with you and your team. Video marketing is the going to be the most effective, profitable and predictable way to grow your practice this year. Join us for this game changing episode so that you keep up with the game:

We’re excited to announce the first ever episode of The Practice Acceleration Podcast. On this episode, you’ll learn why everything you’ve ever relied upon or been taught about growing your practice is either dead or dying a rapid death as you read this. If...

Do you want more control over your practice results right now? Having things under control, knowing what to measure, how to measure it and building that into your routine is crucial to your success. When you have you have control over your results, things change...