
The Practice Acceleration toolkit

“We are on a mission to help 10, 000 Practice Owners
double their income and halve their clinical hours”

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The Practice Acceleration

“We are on a mission to help 10, 000 Practice Owners
double their income and halve their clinical hours”

Join the movement




The Fastest and Most Assured Path to Double Your Income, Halve your Clinical Hours and Take Total Control of Your Business and Life.


The Practice Acceleration Membership ensures your practice grows to the level that you know it can by providing you with the expert guidance, training, support and environment to become a peak performer in business.


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16 Ways to Attract New Patients in an Hour or Less Quick and easy strategies to consistently IMG 600 (1)

16 Ways to Attract New Patients in an Hour or Less Quick and easy strategies to consistently


Quick and easy strategies to consistently generate up to an extra 30 new patients each month without spending any money on ads.

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The 3 Day New Patient Machine IMG 600 (1)

The 3 Day New Patient Machine


This copy & paste 3 day email campaign generated 23 new patients in 3 days without any paid advertising and booked their calendars full every quarter.

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7 Figure Practice Growth System IMG 600 (1)

7 Figure Practice Growth System


Identify Which Of The ‘6 Phases of Growth' Your Practice Is In Right Now… Then Find Out The #1 Action Step Needed To Reach The Next Level Quick ('80-Hour Work Weeks' Not Required!)

Download Now

The 5 Minute Patient Reactivation System IMG 600 (1)

The 5 Minute Patient Reactivation System


We’ve Uncovered ‘A New Secret New Patient Strategy' that almost nobody knows about…(that has helped practices generate an extra 20+ new patients a month using a simple copy & paste text message)

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7 Frameworks to build a wildly profitable healthcare team IMG 700 (1)

7 Frameworks to build a wildly profitable healthcare team


Copy the exact formula the top 1% of practice owners use to hire, train and retain A-players

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The Social Media Marketing Guide For Practice Owners IMG 600 (1)

The Social Media Marketing Guide For Practice Owners


Consistently And Predictably Fill Your Practice With An Extra 10+ New Patients Each Week With This Simple Social Media Strategy

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The Practice Accelerator Method

Market. Rebook. Manage.™


This copy & paste 3 day email campaign generated 23 new patients in 3 days without
any paid advertising and booked their calendars full every quarter.

1. Marketing – Because without a proven and systematic way of generating new patients you’ll have a business that is entirely unpredictable.


2. Conversion and Rebooking – Because without a replicable, measurable and trainable patient rebooking process your business will be stop and start and you’ll always be stuck


3. Management and Leadership
– Because without a team driving your business you simply have a stressful job. And that’s not scaleable or saleable.


Download The Practice Accelerator Method



“If you want to have more, you have to become more. Success is not something you pursue. What you pursue will elude you; it can be like trying to chase butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person you become”

To succeed in your healthcare business, you need the right direction, the right strategy, the right tactics, and the right tools to make it happen. You need a step-by-step road map to master marketing, re-booking, sales, team management, hiring, training, leadership and scaling up.


Once equipped with these ingredients, you have everything you need to achieve your goals and beyond. But without the most important ingredient of all, even with all of these tools, you’d simply be like a child behind the wheel of a Formula One car. Potential that goes nowhere.

Before you attempt to make any of the changes, or adopt any of the strategies in this book, you must first commit to transforming yourself. To start thinking, acting and behaving differently. To becoming the version of you that you’ve always wanted to become, you just didn’t know how to or perhaps you didn’t give yourself permission to become, out of fear of potential judgement.


You need to embody and own the right mindset to create massive and lasting success in your business and life.



“The ability to get New Patients on Demand is the ultimate super power”

Before you can help a single patient you must first be able to create demand for your services. It makes sense therefore, that marketing should be your number one priority. It should be at the absolute forefront of your mind.

Imagine for a moment, that you were as skilled at marketing as you were at treating patients. Get that image in your mind.Don’t you think that would make a difference to your business? And let’s not stop there, don’t you think that would make a pretty big difference to your personal life?



The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer”

Marketing ignites your business, but your patient pipeline is the system that drives it forward. To build a successful healthcare business, you need a systemised service delivery model that gets consistent and predictable results. Whilst marketing gives you the opportunity to meet a new patient, it’s what happens after that matters the most.


Think of it this way… Without retaining the patients generated by your marketing, your business won’t grow. If you don’t have a structured system for inquiry conversion, patient re-booking and next level recommendations then results will vary from day to day and person to person.


The result would be chaos. And that will not give you the income, control or lifestyle freedom that you seek.

Now, imagine for a moment that you had a system, a patient pipeline that everyone on your team followed to convert every inquiry with precision, to create the same patient outcomes no matter who on your team was treating the patient, to recommend exactly what you wanted them to with ease.


Imagine you went on holiday and whilst you were away, your marketing delivered new patients to your business every day, your team converted all the inquiries with confidence, everyone on your team recommended the same treatment that you would, re-booked them in the way that you would, and provided the same high level of service.


Would that a difference to your business results? And what about the dependence of your business on you?



“Leadership is a skill that you must master. And it can be learnt”

Your team are your engine room. They are what drive your business forward everyday. To build a highly successful, engaged, aligned and responsive team you must become an effective, strong and respected manager and leader.


Before you jump headfirst into the next three chapters which focus on the Practice Acceleration Management Frameworks, I want to share some truths with you so that you give the following chapters the respect that they and equally your business deserves.

First of all, I want to drop some truth bombs to help you on your journey to build a scalable, predictable and controllable business. Here goes. Your team is your engine room and your management and leadership is what determines your team’s success. Everything that your team do is a direct result of you and your leadership.


You either encourage it or enable it. It’s all on you. Even if you are not the manager personally, you are responsible for who you allow to become a manager and leader in your business. Everything comes back to you. You need to own everything that happens in your business.


Practice Acceleration
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Sit down each week with our CEO, Tristan Bond, as he shares the secrets to growing a profitable Healthcare practice.

