
When it comes to putting your practice out into the world of social media, it can be hard to know where you should start. There’s no doubt that you’ll run into all kinds of questions and roadblocks along the way. The good news? Social media is our FAVORUITE topic! We could literally talk about it all day.

We all know that blogs, podcasts and videos are the perfect tools to drive traffic to your website and improve your rankings. But what a lot of people are now discovering, is that it’s also the best way to show case your knowledge, build relationships and elevate your brand. Content creation isn’t easy though and for most of us, it doesn’t come naturally…

There are 5 big mistakes healthcare professionals make with online marketing You could be making them without even knowing… Let’s face it, as a health professional you’d rather be treating patients right?! And we agree, that’s where you are AMAZING. But to be able to help your clients, you need a steady stream of demand for your services…