Do you want to grow your healthcare brand and attract a limitless supply of the “right type” of new patients? I’m betting the answer to that question is a resounding heck yes! Well, this...

How do ultra high performers in healthcare think and act differently to separate themselves from the crowd and consistently generates growth in their businesses no matter what is going on in their...

Do you want to scale up your private healthcare practice into a REAL business? One that isn’t dependent on you, that can operate without you and that has your whole team aligned...

How do you use Facebook Live to successfully build your brand and attract new patients to your private practice? And what success factors separate the top performing practices on social media from...

How do you get rapid growth in your private practice predictably and sustainably? Tristan is joined by his co-host, Sarah Pappas, the Business Growth Officer and Head of Online Traffic to answer...

We’re excited to announce the first ever episode of The Practice Acceleration Podcast. On this episode, you’ll learn why everything you’ve ever relied upon or been taught about growing your practice...
