
When you first start out, being extremely busy in your practice feels great…it’s something to be proud of, after all you’ve worked so hard to get there. As you grow, hanging on to a big patient load or lots of those extra responsibilities can make you feel safer, knowing that your practice is secure as you are still needed. However, when you start working too many crazy hours and commit yourself to being here there and everywhere for too long, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and burn out. When you do go to reprioritize your tasks and try to improve your efficiency, it still might not work due to the fact that you simply have too much work for one person to handle alone these days. When that time does come, it’s best that you accept that you need help and commit to making a change. Working long hours and handling too much over a long period of time can and WILL eventually start wearing you down. As a practitioner, you know very well that continuous stress results in your body breaking down – something you definitely can’t afford when trying to run a practice.

How do you get massive growth in your private practice and continue to do that consistently without hitting roadblocks or going through roller coaster results? Sure, some people have periods of enormous short surges in growth, but only to drop off again shortly after… So what is the secret behind continuous and enormous growth? Join Tristan, the CEO and Sarah Pappas the Business Growth Officer at Practice Acceleration as they reveal the strategy that has catapulted their success resulting in 100% year on year growth for the past 4 years (And it’s not what you think).

How do you get rapid growth in your private practice predictably and sustainably? Tristan is joined by his co-host, Sarah Pappas, the Business Growth Officer and Head of Online Traffic to answer exactly how you do just that. Listen to learn how private practice owners are...

Whether you’re a physio, podiatrist, osteo, chiro or any other health professional in fact, I know exactly how hard you’re working for those leads right now. It’s no doubt more competitive out there than ever before. So when you do finally see those new patients...

Do you want more control over your practice results right now? Having things under control, knowing what to measure, how to measure it and building that into your routine is crucial to your success. When you have you have control over your results, things change...