Nailing Your Numbers To Grow Your Practice With Certainty

Nailing Your Numbers To Grow Your Practice With Certainty

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Growing a practice can be challenging, especially when you don't know whether your decisions are putting you in a more successful or vulnerable position. If you want to build strategic certainty into your practice, one of the most reliable ways is to focus on getting your numbers right. 

Nailing your numbers is the best way to set measurable targets and track the progress of your practice over time. Taking the time to really hone in on your numbers will give you the insight needed to accurately determine the impact of different strategies for growth and make course corrections that lead to lasting success. 

Having this kind of long-term financial assurance allows for greater confidence as you move forward with expanding and refining what works for your practice.

In this episode, we talk about nailing your numbers to grow your practice with certainty. By understanding and managing key financial performance metrics, you'll be able to create more certainty within your practice by ensuring that no matter how much revenue your practice brings in – or out – each month, you're always aware of its financial position and where improvements need to be made.

In this episode of the Practice Acceleration Podcast, you’ll learn:

  • The three stages of business growth
  • What are the key numbers in your business and why are they important
  • What is a tracking dashboard and how can it help you

Knowing how to track different elements of your business—from profit margins to patient flow—can provide insight into where improvements need to be made, as well as how close you may be to achieving success. Listen to this episode now to find out how you can nail your numbers to grow your practice with certainty!

Click here to listen

If you haven’t listened to our previous episode talking about the WCM – Staff Performance Management Conversations, go back and check out out episode 281.

P.S If you want to learn more tips about how to get new patients, chat to one of our expert coaches at and see how we can help you! 

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