
When you first start out, being extremely busy in your practice feels great…it’s something to be proud of, after all you’ve worked so hard to get there. As you grow, hanging on to a big patient load or lots of those extra responsibilities can make you feel safer, knowing that your practice is secure as you are still needed. However, when you start working too many crazy hours and commit yourself to being here there and everywhere for too long, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and burn out. When you do go to reprioritize your tasks and try to improve your efficiency, it still might not work due to the fact that you simply have too much work for one person to handle alone these days. When that time does come, it’s best that you accept that you need help and commit to making a change. Working long hours and handling too much over a long period of time can and WILL eventually start wearing you down. As a practitioner, you know very well that continuous stress results in your body breaking down – something you definitely can’t afford when trying to run a practice.

Have you ever wondered what the most successful healthcare professionals do that separates them from the crowd? Are they natural born leaders? Are they smarter marketers? Are they working longer hours? You’ll be relieved to know that the answer to the above questions is a resounding NO! But… There are a number of secrets behind their consistently exceptional results and HIGH output.

If you want to survive let alone thrive as business owner in healthcare, then you need to listen to the episode carefully! In this episode we dive deep into the leaking bucket that keeps health professionals chained to a job, and struggling to get ahead no matter what they do. Instead of plugging this gap most people try to push forward, unaware of the anchor that is holding them back and end up frustrated, exhausted, burnt out and with nothing to show for their massive efforts.