
How do you rate yourself when it comes to marketing your practice on Facebook? It’s hands down the best way for new patients to find you and getting existing patients to engage with you. In this day and age, it’s not something you can afford to skip in order to be competitive… However, we know it’s easy to get discouraged thinking all your Facebook efforts aren’t making much of a difference.

When it comes to putting your practice out into the world of social media, it can be hard to know where you should start. There’s no doubt that you’ll run into all kinds of questions and roadblocks along the way. The good news? Social media is our FAVORUITE topic! We could literally talk about it all day.

Here at Practice Acceleration we get chatting to lots of people who are simply just really stuck in their business. They get into healthcare because they want to help people but find it really difficult to navigate the challenges of business. We get it, business can feel lonely and it can be really hard to know what to do next – especially if you’ve been feeling stuck for a while. To hit your stride in business – there’s a whole lot of things you need to stop doing and start doing. In this episode we reveal the 9 most common offenders that need to be on your ‘Stop Doing List’ if you want to grow. It’s time to truly identify what’s holding you back and ensure the tasks you’re completing within your business are driving you forward. This way you can stop feeling stuck and can achieve the growth you’ve always wanted! We hope you love this episode.

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. Have you ever really stopped to think about who those 5 people are for you? This has never been more important than for those trying to grow their business in 2018. It’s tough out there, it’s easy to get stuck or caught up in the next big thing and if you don’t have the right support system behind you…things can be beyond tough. However, when you get around the right people with a common goal, the right mindset and the right resources things change FAST!

There are 5 big mistakes healthcare professionals make with online marketing You could be making them without even knowing… Let’s face it, as a health professional you’d rather be treating patients right?! And we agree, that’s where you are AMAZING. But to be able to help your clients, you need a steady stream of demand for your services…

Your business success depends on your ability to lead and manage a great team. To do this, you need to attract the right people and continually bring out the best in them. But the old ways of doing this no longer work, but you already knew that right?! It’s time to learn how to attract, hire and develop the right people for your healthcare business. Join Tristan and Sarah as they reveal the latest proven and tested recruitment and hiring strategies to build your dream team!