
The world is in the grip of an epidemic. And no, it’s not Zika or Ebola. It’s called “busyness.” We are all so busy we can hardly stop to breathe. And for many of us, this is a badge of honour. We think if we’re busy, then we must be important and successful. But what if being busy is actually killing our practices? What if all the rushing around is preventing us from achieving our goals? In this episode, we'll give you 3 Reasons Why “Busyness” Is KILLING Your Practice. Although it may seem counterintuitive, being busy can actually hold you back from achieving your goals.

In this episode, we'll show you How to Set Your New Staff Member up for Success. We'll give you an overview of the onboarding process and what you should include. You'll also hear some of the best tips for making sure their new hires hit the ground running. There's no doubt that onboarding is an important process for both the new employee and the employer. But it can be hard to know where to start. It's not just about giving them a tour of the office and introducing them to their new coworkers.

One of the most destructive yet invisible problems that your business might be facing is that your process for lead conversion isn’t working. No matter how great your product or service may be, if you can't get leads to convert, your business is in trouble. In this episode, we’ll share with you the Invisible Problem That's Costing You $100k Every Single Year. We’ll give you the three steps you need to take to improve your lead conversion rate.