
Do you want to make 2018 your best year you’ve ever had in your healthcare business yet? Have you ever said to yourself, “This is going to be my break out year, this is the year where I need to make my business work”? It’s the new year, and that’s synonymous with goal setting and all sorts of new years resolutions. But that rarely works.

Do you want to grow your healthcare brand and attract a limitless supply of the “right type” of new patients? I’m betting the answer to that question is a resounding heck yes! Well, this episode is exactly what you want need. Learn how to use video marketing to power your brand, create powerful and far reaching awareness and build a pipeline of new patients hungry to work with you and your team. Video marketing is the going to be the most effective, profitable and predictable way to grow your practice this year. Join us for this game changing episode so that you keep up with the game:

How do you use Facebook Live to successfully build your brand and attract new patients to your private practice? And what success factors separate the top performing practices on social media from the rest? Join Tristan as he pulls back the curtains on the framework that...

Whether you’re a physio, podiatrist, osteo, chiro or any other health professional in fact, I know exactly how hard you’re working for those leads right now. It’s no doubt more competitive out there than ever before. So when you do finally see those new patients...