31 Oct Think & Act Like a Million Dollar Practice Owner
How do ultra high performers in healthcare think and act differently to separate themselves from the crowd and consistently generates growth in their businesses no matter what is going on in their local environment and economy?
That’s the question that Tristan CEO of Practice Acceleration answers on this show.
Listen to learn how the mindset tools that elite business performers are using to breakthrough to the next level of success in the face of adversity.
- The greatest roadblock that you’ll come up against in your business and how you can combat it before it gives you a beating.
- How to identify your limiting beliefs and emotional triggers and replace these instantly so that you build incredible momentum constantly (this simple tactic will TOTALLY change your life)
- The 3 mistakes that healthcare business owners make that hold them back from achieving what they TRULY want from their businesses and lives (and how you can avoid them)
- How to develop the mindset of a peak performer so that you lift the performance of your entire team and become an inspiring and powerful leader for change.
The problem is that with the demands of modern healthcare practice, most people don’t ever catch up mentally to where they need to be to actually control the trajectory of their businesses and lives.
Our thoughts, behaviours and responses determine whether we will take the most positive and powerful action and surge ahead, or whether we simply react and stay stuck or decline.
Now, you can access the tactics that are used by peak performers in healthcare business so that you can take charge, lead your team, achieve amazing results and make a real impact with your patients and community.
Thank you for joining us, you’re going to love this!
Check out these highlights
[2.35] How to avoid getting stuck inside your own head and why you need to be a strong leader that remains in control of your emotions.
[7.38] How to identify the triggers that take you off track and change the behavioural response to focus on high value tasks instead.
[12.18] Changing your response to one that eliminates boredom or fear with a positive replacement behaviour such as a rescue campaign.
[15.32] Getting clear on what you want through changing the look, sound and feel of your behaviours using visualisation methods.
[20.41 ] How to develop a scorecard in order to assess your use of replacement behaviours when a trigger occurs.
[23.54] The importance of having an accountability buddy who you can meet with weekly to ensure replacement behaviours are being installed remind and receive clear feedback.
Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!
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