
The platform's expansive reach and precise data-driven targeting capabilities make it an irresistible strategy for brands and companies to promote their brand and reach new customers. With Facebook, you can grow your audience beyond what you could imagine. But even with all its advantages, one thing that can quickly stop your efforts cold is making mistakes when marketing on Facebook. Mistakes made on this powerful platform could cost you dearly in terms of lost time and money — which is why it's important to know what not to do.

There are 5 big mistakes healthcare professionals make with online marketing You could be making them without even knowing… Let’s face it, as a health professional you’d rather be treating patients right?! And we agree, that’s where you are AMAZING. But to be able to help your clients, you need a steady stream of demand for your services…

How do you use Facebook Live to successfully build your brand and attract new patients to your private practice? And what success factors separate the top performing practices on social media from the rest? Join Tristan as he pulls back the curtains on the framework that...

As entrepreneurs, one of our biggest desires is for our practice to not become too dependent on us, so we can enjoy a tiny bit of freedom. Honestly, holidays for us can be so stressful, because even if we are away, we still think of our practice, our employees, and our clients.

Starting a practice can be an exciting but daunting experience. The rewards of running your own practice may seem obvious, such as being able to call the shots and make your own schedule, but plenty of challenges also come with the territory. Those who choose to take on this exciting challenge have access to a wealth of resources, such as entrepreneurs and alumni networks that have successfully launched new practices. Knowing what to anticipate, such as hard work and dedication, will go a long way in helping put together a successful business plan. With the right preparation, potential business owners can set out confidence in their understanding of what it takes to start and maintain their practice, achieving the goals they have set for themselves.

In this episode, we'll talk about the 5-minute Patients Reactivation System. This system is designed to help clinicians quickly and easily reactivate patients who have been inactive for a long period of time. We'll also discuss some of the common mistakes that are made when trying to reactivate a patient and how to avoid them. Reactivating a patient doesn't have to be a daunting task. By using the 5-minute Patients Reactivation System, you can quickly and easily get your patients back on track. Listen to this episode now to learn more!