Rapid Practice Growth

Rapid Practice Growth


How do you get rapid growth in your private practice predictably and sustainably?

Tristan is joined by his co-host, Sarah Pappas, the Business Growth Officer and Head of Online Traffic to answer exactly how you do just that.

Listen to learn how private practice owners are flipping their results upside down, breaking the shackles of plateau, escaping the stress of roller coaster results and confidently taking back control of their private practices by following a proven and tested 4 step replicable framework.


  • How to create a constant demand for your healthcare services and generate new patients on demand using THREE core strategies (this will help you avoid uncertainty, roller coaster results and stagnation)
  • The Transformational management model that is shaping private practices into teams of peak performers (with this method you can finally run a thriving business that isn’t dependent on you driving all the profits and working like crazy all the time)
  • The Peak Performance Mindset switch to take you and your team from coasting or stuck to record results rapidly (it’s all to do with how you set, maintain and demonstrate 2 little known behaviour traits)
  • Why your freedom is dependent on the strength, speed and simplicity of your management and support systems (and what a system really is! Clue: It’s got NOTHING to do with your software)


Here are the FREE resources mentioned in this episode

Click Here to Download The Rapid Patient Getting System

Click Here to watch our Case Studies Discussed in the Episode


Check out these highlights

[10.16] How to make the mindset shift from a practitioner to a manager and ultimately to a CEO or investor

[19.49] The big changes that you need to make with your marketing and why you need to treat marketing as a department in your practice

[24.34] How word of mouth marketing has shifted to conversations online

[25.46] The 3 cores you need in your management model

[28.04] The advantage of going multi-channel with your marketing

[31.49] Why scoring your team’s KPI’s and KPA’s on a frequent basis is crucial to your success

Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

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