Hybrid Hell and Scaling past 50k/mth

Hybrid Hell and Scaling past 50k/mth

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Get ready for an insightful podcast episode as we delve into a common struggle that many practice owners face: being trapped below the $50k/mo mark and how to escape what we call “Hybrid Hell” to build a thriving 7-figure practice.

🔑 Tune in to uncover why the excitement of starting your practice often dwindles once you hit the $30k-$50k/mo range. Learn why repeating your current strategies at a faster pace won't lead to the growth you desire.

🚀 Discover the patterns that lead to being stuck in “Hybrid Hell” and why hiring more staff doesn't always yield positive results. Gain insights into why this phenomenon occurs and how to break free from it.

💡 Recognize the signs that your practice is too dependent on you as the owner. Explore the analogy of the business as a living being with a Head, Heart, and Hands to identify where changes are needed.

🔥 Learn how to transition your business from relying on you for decision-making and hands-on work to creating a self-sustaining entity. Find out about a free resource that can accelerate the process of making new practitioners profitable within 30 days of hiring.

📣 It's time to take action! Escaping Hybrid Hell is crucial for your practice's growth and your well-being. If you're ready to reclaim the excitement of scaling and transform your practice, book a call with our team. Discover how our Patients On Demand System can help you double your income and reduce clinical hours.

💥 Don't miss this opportunity to gain clarity on fixing the biggest challenges in your practice and embark on the journey to scaling success.


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If you haven’t listened to our previous episode talking about My 250M Approach to Scaling Teams, go back and check out Episode 287.

P.S. If you want to learn more tips about how to get new patients, chat with one of our expert coaches at https://practiceacceleration.com/application and see how we can help you! 

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