How to 4X Your Practice Marketing Power with ONE simple strategy

How to 4X Your Practice Marketing Power with ONE simple strategy


How can you achieve more marketing reach and attract new patients consistently without spending your life writing new marketing content all the time?

In this episode Tristan pulls back the curtains on the secret method that Practice Acceleration and it’s clients are successfully executing to create more marketing and attract more leads without spending more time on marketing.


  • The REAL reason why most health professionals don’t get the new patient flow that they want with consistency and predictability.
  • How you can create 400% greater reach with your marketing message without creating new content or spending money on advertising.
  • The 4 step marketing accelerator to move from world’s best secret to the “go-to” practice in your space almost instantly.
  • Why sending emails, posting vids and writing blogs is NOT enough to create new patient awareness and what you need to do instead to be the number one option in your healthcare niche (The best part is that this method actually saves you hours of work each month)


If you are the world’s best kept secret then no matter how good you are at your profession, you’re not going to be successful in business.

And no one has the time to sit down and create new patient campaigns all day (apart from us😊)

Take the step-by-step tactics from this episode and attract more new patients with consistency whilst removing the overwhelm of marketing forever.

Thank you for joining us, you’re going to love this!

Here are the links mentioned in this episode:

The Content Twister System

  • The Step By Step Solution to easily creating fun, engaging and shareable marketing for your entire quarter in just 60 mins (or less)
  • Why the content twister system is a great tool to remove overwhelm and make producing incredible marketing that fills your diary a cinch.
  • How to get your audience sharing, liking and most importantly re-activating and referring without ever being “salesy or weird” or sending out old school and gross “re-activation” letters – yuk!
  • The step by step blue print so that you never even think about your competition ever again (whilst they lose plenty of sleep worrying about you, moo-haha)




Check out these highlights

[2.34] Why it’s so important to be consistent with your marketing message

[4.15] Getting your audience to know, like and trust you before making a buying decision through the awareness phase of marketing.

[6.45] Why being inactive or lack of overall marketing strategy is costing you leads and has you working your butt off for no reason.

[9.35] How to target your audience’s hot buttons through choosing an engaging topic and headline that captures their attention

[11.14] Creating a content piece that provides value to the market and gets them to take the next step with you

[13.00] How to increase your marketing message by 400% through creating a pillar content piece that is omnipresent through blog, email, video and Facebook.

Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

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