How Long Would Your Practice Really Survive Without You?

How Long Would Your Practice Really Survive Without You?


What would happen if you stepped away from your practice to go on holiday or needed to take an extended period of leave?

Some practice owners know the stress of this situation all too well and don’t want to go on holiday at all!

Most others think that things are running passively or are self-serving around the clinic – but as soon as they step away…disaster strikes.

Revenue drops, staff don’t run the practice properly, patients aren’t retained and marketing comes to halt!

Then you come back stressed and worst of all to empty books – asking yourself why on earth you left in the first place.

Guess what…It doesn’t need to be that way!

What if your practice could like clockwork while you were gone?

Tune into this episode to check out my 6 hot tips to ensuring things run smoothly without you and ensure you’ll never be afraid to take another holiday again!

We hope you love this episode!


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Check out these highlights:

[2.20] How our Physio clients Sarah and Spencer went from stressed and never wanting to take holiday to implementing systems that enable their practice to run like clockwork without them.

[3.55] Why everyone must fully understand their role purpose as well as what must be done to deliver in order to achieve complete clarity.

[6.15] The reason you need to systemise absolutely everything in your practice with rock solid systems to create a true self-sustaining business.

[7.26] What you must do to ensure every system you create works with military precision.

[9.58] Why you must organise check in meeting times with your team to make sure everything runs perfectly while you’re away.

[13.13] How you can use technology to automate systems for your team and enable them to check in offsite, schedule tasks and monitor workflow.

Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

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