[CLIENT INTERVIEW] MEET LISA… A Podiatrist from Brisbane that has grown by an extra $30,000 a month and reduced her clinical hours to 0

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] MEET LISA… A Podiatrist from Brisbane that has grown by an extra $30,000 a month and reduced her clinical hours to 0

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Meet Lisa…

Before discovering Practice Acceleration, Lisa was a talented, well respected Podiatry Business Owner.

She was full of GREAT ideas, BUT…

  1. She struggled to get consistent growth (she had NO plans in place and NO idea how to ACTUALLY action any of her great ideas).
  2. She was feeling burnt out and stressed (and her team and patients were feeling the backlash of this).
  3. AND, she was feeling “stuck in the mud” and slowly losing control over her business (and her team were leaving her for other jobs and better growth opportunities)

THEN, she discovered Tristan Bond and Practice Acceleration.

We gave her the exact frameworks and systems to manage her team, and market to and retain her patients, and NOW…

  1. She’s grown by $360,000 per year!
  2. She’s reduced her clinical hours to 0 (and now picks when she WANTS to work clinically)
  3. AND, herself and her team are LOVING work again (and treating MORE patients than EVER before)

Do you want to learn how to increase your revenue, halve your clinical hours, and make coming to work fun again for you and your team?

Listen to this episode NOW and learn why Lisa chose to work with Tristan Bond and Practice Acceleration!

Listen NOW!


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