Building a Word Class Team at Your Practice

Building a Word Class Team at Your Practice


We love our team here at the Practice Acceleration hub and no doubt one of our favourite things is helping others build world class teams of their own.

To grow a business, you need a world class team behind you, so you can help more patients.

So, what makes a world class team you ask?

Well a world class team upholds your core values.

It’s so important everyone is firing all the time and totally committed to executing your vision.

That’s why we’ve created a system that brings your core values to the absolute forefront.

It means everyone on the team will uphold your values all the time instead of you constantly having to remind them what they should be doing.

We’ve rolled it out in our business and seen a massive momentum shift, so everyone is high energy and gets more work done collaboratively.

It’s a simple process that you can rollout straight after listening and is also a lot of fun!

The best part is it doesn’t take input from you.

So, make sure you tune in to these 4 simple steps on how to build a world class team.

We hope you love this episode!


Check out these highlights:

[2.06] A beginners guide to core values: what it means to uphold them and the impact if they’re not being upheld to the level required.

[4.16] Why you need to have a set of cultural values that you live and breathe.

[5.35] How to identify what you want everyone to uphold and how we do it here at the hub.

[6.26] The cultural values meeting you need to install every single Friday!

[7.58] What we do every single day to review the theme for the week and future pace your team’s intention for the day.

[12.17] Why this system works to help ascend new team members and create the neon light effect.

Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

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