Don’t underestimate the POWER of a routine

Don’t underestimate the POWER of a routine

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In this episode, we dive deep into the incredible impact that a simple 5-minute routine can have on your business. We explore the often-underestimated power of routines and how they can be the key to your success.

Here are the key takeaways:

1. The Morning Routine: We emphasize the importance of starting your day with a clear focus on your three most critical tasks. This brief exercise sets the tone for your day, ensuring you tackle the most important business goals.

2. The End-of-Day Wrap: Before you finish your workday, we recommend taking 5-10 minutes to review your morning goals. Did you accomplish what you set out to do? This reflection helps you stay on track, learn from your day, and prepare for tomorrow.

3. External Accountability: We discuss the benefits of making your routine public. Sharing your intentions and end-of-day reports with colleagues, coaches, or accountability partners enhances your focus, accountability, and follow-through.

4. Continuous Improvement: Even as you achieve success, the routine should remain a consistent part of your life. It keeps you forward-focused, engaged, energized, and enjoying every moment to the fullest. Missing a day is okay; just get back on track the next day.

5. Leadership and Team Performance: As a leader, your routine sets the standard for your team. It's essential to demonstrate consistency and commitment, as your team's performance often mirrors your own.

6. The Paradox of Freedom: Routine and freedom go hand in hand. To enjoy true freedom, you need a sustainable routine that keeps you focused and productive.

7. Setting the Bar: Your team's performance is closely tied to their perception of you. Consistency and congruency in your routine send a clear message and inspire your team to excel.

8. The Importance of Culture: Building a culture of excellence starts with you. Challenge your team to adopt your culture and standards, just as Toto Wolff does with the Mercedes Formula 1 team.


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If you haven’t listened to our previous episode talking about How to Unlock Your Team’s Potential & Multiply Your Profits, go back and check out Episode 290.

P.S. If you want to learn more tips about how to get new patients, chat with one of our expert coaches at and see how we can help you! 

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