[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Meet Robyn, a New Zealand Physio who grew her business by $100,000 per year

[CLIENT INTERVIEW] Meet Robyn, a New Zealand Physio who grew her business by $100,000 per year

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Meet Robyn, she’s a Practice owner just like you…

Robyn is a great Physiotherapist but her Practice was consuming her with stress.

  • 12 hour working days with patients
  • Sleepless at night with her Practice always on her mind
  • She was always on “edge” when spending time with her husband and children

And when she was at work…

She was juggling between seeing patients, managing the business, managing the finances, training and managing the team…Things got so hard for Robyn that she felt paralysed and handcuffed to her business.

She was just 60 days from shutting the doors – she couldn’t afford to keep going.

It was around this time Robyn and I met and she decided the Practice Acceleration Method was the right fit for her.

Listen to this episode now to learn how…

  • Robyn has reclaimed her life and works on her own terms
  • Her down time is “her” time and she’s happier than ever
  • Her husband and children get the best version of Robyn

And she’s earning an extra $100,000 per year.

If you’ve read this far then perhaps you can relate to where Robyn was.


Maybe you’re situation is different to Robyn but you’ve become stuck in a different way that’s holding you back?

Robyn’s Practice Transformation is a true and inspiring story for all Practice Owners to listen to.

Click here to listen

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