Explode your results on social media

Explode your results on social media


Social Media is the greatest gift we’ve been given. 10 years ago, you could run a basic social media funnel and still do really well… not anymore.

Costs are increasing, the algorithms are smarter, AND there’s so much more competition.

So the question is, how do you generate leads from social media channels?

In this Episode of the Practice Acceleration Podcast you’re going to learn the top tips you need to understand what it is to generate awareness in the market.

This week, discover the 5 phases of awareness, including:

  1. Completely Unaware of your brand (and how to get people to learn what you do)
  2. You Aware (and how to develop a story and provide content)
  3. Problem Aware (and how to teach people that they need a solution to their problem)
  4. Solution Aware (and how to teach people that YOU are the solution to their problem)
  5. Product Aware (and how to VALUE STACK your offers and beat your competitors)

It all starts with understanding the phases of awareness in marketing.

So, are you ready to hear how we do it?

Listen to this episode now!

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