3 Practice Marketing Strategies Wasting Your Time

3 Practice Marketing Strategies Wasting Your Time


It’s easy to get caught up on that bright shiny new thing or strategy.

Sometimes it’s hard to know what to do at all when it comes to marketing your practice.

Ever thought the more marketing you do, the more patients you’ll get?

Here at Practice Acceleration we know that’s certainly not the case.

Even if you’re working really hard on your marketing, if you’re applying the wrong strategies, not only will you end up not finding new patients and wasting a lot of time and energy — but if you’re not careful, it can actually kill your practice.

In this episode we chat about the 3 practice marketing strategies that have stopped working and what you should do instead.

It’s time to look at these outdated strategies people are still holding on to and update their marketing plan to include the channels that are getting the best result the fastest instead.

Are you still using one of these strategies?

We want to show you a better way of doing it that can help grow your practice by up to 40%.

We hope you love this episode!

Here are the links mentioned in this episode:



Click here to listen to Episode 20



Click Here to see our Client Case Studies


Check out these highlights:

[2.36] Why you need to let go of print advertising and find a better means of reaching your potential patients

[5.35] How Erin is getting 2000% ROI from Google AdWords and has doubled her practice in 6 weeks

[8.59] Why spending your time chasing referrers and GP’s is not scalable means of marketing.

[10.21] How to build your brand and get referrers chasing you through releasing regular content to your audience via social media, Facebook and email.

[13.48] Why it’s time to start taking a proactive rather than passive approach when it comes to word of mouth marketing and scale things up.

[14.51] How you win more referrals through word of mouth marketing by automating the patient experience referrals.

Thanks so much for joining us this week. We hope you love it! Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave us a review on iTunes!

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