What’s the fastest way to fill my staff’s books?

What’s the fastest way to fill my staff’s books?

Have you ever found it frustrating that you’re always booked out, but you’re staff aren’t?

It’s enough to drive you crazy.

It used to happen to me all the time.

Then I discovered the fix.

So what is the fastest way to fill your staff’s books and book them solid?

I’ve been asked this question so many times over the years.

The other day I had an interview with Harry who’s a physio business owner that was applying to join my mastermind group.

He’d really been struggling to get the balance right with his practice’s books.

He said 'Tristan, I’ve been in practice for 15 years, I’ve got 4 physios working for me, everyone wants to see me, I’m always packed, but my staff have patchy books – what’s the fastest way to fill them up?'

So I love that question.

I want to fix this problem for all of you, I’ve heard it too many times.

At the very least let’s get you moving with a solution that you can start applying so that you can get this sorted.

Here’s the problem as I hear it, you are packed out as the practice owner – common story right?

But your team, your team aren’t booked out.

That’s becoming a road block for your biz.

So before I prescribe the solution, and I will, don’t worry, let’s first take a good look at the problem.

Having seen this literally hundreds of times in different practices, I want to show you what the real issue is.

Some common solutions that people that are in Harry’s position often want to do is chase more leads, do more marketing, and get their staff doing more lead generation.

If you were thinking along those lines then you are not alone, many a practice owner before you have gone down that path.

Sadly though – it doesn’t work!

It will take you even further off course!

Right now, let’s assess what the real problem is, what the real road block is.

So I’m going to let you know that in 98% of cases, the problem lies way deeper beneath surface than you think.

In fact, it’s so deep that we try to fix these problems with solutions that make the initial problem even worse.

So, in order to assess your problem we need to first pressure test your business for growth.

Before you add in any more generation or chase any more marketing tactics, you first need to assess your team’s ability to retain patients and win referrals from their existing patients.

Otherwise – you simply end up burning more leads.

That’s right, lead gen is not the first problem to fix, conversion and retention is.

So here’s what the guys in my program have been getting some awesome results with.

They apply the Patient Retention Maximiser on everyone in their team, and pressure test conversion before then cranking out powerful lead gen.

So what is it?

Well, the Patient Retention Maximiser is a process to use on yourself and the health professionals in your team to identify how well you are following the new patient process.

It helps to identify any areas where change is needed and to help you get way fuller books for everyone on your team which means you can grow way faster.

If you don’t have a system to audit this consult process, you get a bunch of problems.

Namely – you end up with patchy books across your team, you get poor retention of business, way less referrals and financially you just plain get stuck.

But when you install a system for this you get a tonne of benefits.

First of all your team get consistently booked out, retention improves dramatically and you get way more referrals.

Financially you also get way more control, more profits and it makes the next step easy to take and super strategic.

I’m going to give you a bunch of really quick tips to help you get moving here and show you what to assess.

Firstly set up a checklist so that you can assess everyone on your team and plan for improvement.

Then once you’ve set that up, here’s what you need to do:

1. Assess the Entry.

In the initial consult, you are either leading your patient or you are getting left behind.

You’ve got to own it.

Especially in the first 3 minutes.

Here’s what you need to assess:

  • In the first 3 minutes. Did the practitioner own the room with confidence, tonality and body language?
  • Did they follow a script/framework for the opening 3 minutes? That is crucial.
  • Did they pre-frame what is going to happen in the consult and point out that they are going to provide a detailed solution at the end of the consult for the patient to follow and get agreement to this prior to taking the consult further?
2. Rate the Close.

You’ve got to be precise.

Most initial consults don’t fail because of lack of experience or skill level of the practitioner.

They fail because of the lack of direction, framework and specificity given by the practitioner.

If you are not specific with exactly what the patient needs to do next, they won’t listen to you and they won’t follow your advice.

When you plug the gaps in your close, your patients trust you, respects you and will follow your advice so that you can achieve superior patient outcomes and complete diary control.

Here’s what you need to assess:

  • Did they describe to the patient what their condition is with a clear diagnosis?
  • Did they explain the specific treatments required and why?
  • Educate the patient regarding expected prognosis?
  • Map out a clearly defined pathway for the patient to follow including treatment frequency and duration?

Here’s the cold hard truth…

It doesn’t matter how good your manner or clinical skills are, miss just one of those areas in your close and it will kill your patient retention and practice success.

3. The Transition.

I call it the final baton change.

Like a 4 x 100 metre running relay, the race is won and lost in the final 100 metres.

The most dangerous part is when the 3rd and 4th runners make the baton exchange.

For health professionals, this baton change occurs between the practitioner and the front of staff.

The ability to execute this last crucial step is absolutely paramount to your practice success.

Here’s what you need to assess for the practitioner:

  • Did they walk the patient out of the treatment area to the front desk?
  • Did they verbally repeat their treatment recommendation word for word that the patient needs to follow to the front of staff and handle any last minute questions?
  • Provide the front of staff with a written note to re-iterate the recommendation and ensure clean communication channels?

This is where teamwork is crucial.

Here’s what you need to assess for the front of staff:

  • Did they verbally repeat to the patient exactly what the practitioner recommended regarding treatment requirements?
  • Block book the entire booking requirement using the right language patterns?
  • Record what happened in terms of compliance for Q&A and performance KPI measurements?

You don’t need to be an extravert.

In fact, it works even better when you’re not an extravert.

Now I know that might sound like a lot of questions but don’t worry I’ve got a solution for you.

By following these assessment criteria your whole team will lift to a completely new level and your patients will get superior results.

You’ll also gain control over your patient retention and boost your profits dramatically.

Sound good? Like something you need?

Well if you really like dramatically boosting profits I’ve got just the thing for you..

What if I told you, you can book your practice solid in just 28 days?

I’d like to offer you a free step by step system to filling your practice without spending money on advertising.

It’s called the Patient Retention Maximiser.

Members inside my mastermind group use this tool and they’ve found that by boosting your staff’s retention you can improve profits by 50% alone.

So if you like what you’re hearing click below to get my free download of the Patient Retention Maximser.

You’ve got nothing to lose and plenty to gain.

Take this, apply it and get some massive growth!

Harry – that’s what you need to apply to get consistent numbers across your books.

I’d love to hear how you go implementing this.

Just click on the link below for the Patient Retention Maximiser and make sure you share those epic results with me.



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