I work with a lot of healthcare practices scaling up.

While they’re all in totally different situations, from my experience by far the best way to go from $1 million to $10 million is to have the best possible team in place.

Having a great team structure and great team rhythm is the way you get leverage and scale to free you up, get more control, go from friction to flow and obviously to become more profitable.

Today, I'm just going to share with you a classic management mistake.

It’s all to do with team meetings.

As you build up your team, you're going to need to meet with them so that there's complete understanding of what's happening, when, how and what everyone needs to do.

In my experience, I find there's tremendous miscommunication within teams.

When you don't have the right communication channel in place or you don't communicate correctly, efficiently or effectively, all sorts of things start to happen.

For example, there's the misunderstanding.

Misunderstanding leads to friction. Friction can lead to getting stressed out.

You're wondering why aren't they doing what I want them to do?

They're probably wondering why you're hassling them.

That can lead to the stigma of micromanagement and the overall impact is that stuff just doesn't get done.

If stuff doesn't get done, if you're anything like me and you take so much pride in your business and looking after your audience (in my instance, clients, in your instance, patients) you end up doing everything yourself and we don't want that for you.

Believe me, I've had to learn the hard way many, many times over.

Just take this one tip on board so you don't have to learn the same lesson.

One thing I found tremendously valuable (and this is really important!) is that when you actually run a team meeting you need to have a clear purpose of why you're actually meeting.

What's the importance of this meeting?

Why are we actually meeting here?

Why is it important to the people in your team?

For them to actually execute this action you want them to do, why is it important for your patients and why is it important for your company this happens?

That way, we actually get context that it’s really important.

The second thing is that once they get context and understanding as to why you're having this meeting, the next thing is the ‘what’.

Now they know why you're having this meeting but they also need to know what to do.

That way there’s this really great insight like, “Great, I get it. Now I know what to do as well.”

This is the thing, the mistake which I find with most people is the ‘how’.

It's like, “Now I get why I need to do it. This is what I need to do. This is how I need to do it and also, how I need to be accountable for it.”

It's that final step.

Missing that one accountability step at the end is an absolute killer because even if your team know what to do, how to do it and they don't do it, then they're in a lot of strife.

If you miss this you end up chasing them, things won't get done and we're still on that roundabout, just spinning around, you doing all this stuff for them.

The number one mistake I want you to avoid right now in your team meetings is that lack of accountability at the end.

At the end of your next meeting try this… “Great, meeting everyone. You need to do this, Tim. John, you're doing that. Alice, you're doing that. Jane, you're doing that.”

Then you need to allocate an activity to every single person, but not just that. Tell them when it's due back to you because they need your Teflon, you're the boss.

They report back to you. You do not chase them.

As you move from technician to manager to leader, what we need to do is get rid of all of those behaviours where you used to do everything yourself.

We want you to stop chasing your team. We want them to chase you and report back to you.

It's a massive difference so at the end of the meeting say…”Look, this is your exercise. This is why it's important. This is when you need to report back to me. This is how you need to report back to me,” and then they know.

You can actually mark it down. Put it in your Manila folder or use some tech.

Use Trello or whatever it is you use in terms of tech support and actually mark down who is doing what and when and how.

That way you can actually track it and when people report back to you, and that is how you get massive momentum with your team, your team working for you and you're not having to do it for them.

That's my hot tip for today.

I’d love to hear how it goes for you.

If you want to get into even better flow with your team, learn how to run more effective meetings as well as get more leverage to free up your life here’s what you need to do…

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