What’s the Real Reason You Started Your Practice?

What’s the Real Reason You Started Your Practice?


If you're like most practice owners, you started your practice because you wanted to help people.

You wanted to improve people’s lives, help them with their health, and deliver the kind of outcomes they deserve from a health professional.

That was likely your reason for starting a practice.

On top of that, you probably also thought starting your own practice would give you more control.

You’d be able to decide how you ran your business, how you helped your patients, and how much time you devoted to work — and you thought that would give you a sense of freedom.

Freedom to enjoy your life, freedom to be present for your family, freedom to pursue your passions, freedom to spend your time in a way that felt right for you.

But things didn’t turn out quite the way you expected, did they?

Somewhere along the way, you got stuck.

Stuck in the daily grind — the constant cycle of work-related drama, unreliable staff, putting out fires, and dedicating every waking moment to your practice.

And once you got stuck in that grind, you went in one of two directions.

Either you held on to hope that things could one day be different — that you could still have a meaningful impact on your patients without sacrificing your life.

Or at some point, you just accepted that the dreams you started your practice with — to build a life of freedom and service — were just that.


And now, you dread going into your practice every day.

The good news?

Whichever camp you fall into — the ones who are still hopeful or the ones who’ve given up — you can still turn your practice around.

How do we know? Because we see it happen every day.

Take Julian as an example. Julian started his practice for his family. He wanted to make enough money to allow his wife to stay home and avoid sending their children to day care. He wanted more time to spend at home with his wife and children. And he wanted the financial means to offer his son, who has special needs, the best educational opportunities available.

Julian started his practice for the right reasons, but he quickly got stuck in the daily grind — working 60 hours a week, completely frustrated with his practice, with no time to spend with his wife and children.

He had the vision for what he wanted his practice to be, but he didn't have the tools to get there.

He held onto hope that things could be different, but he didn’t know how to make that happen.

But that’s when Julian found Practice Acceleration.

And then — everything changed.

In just five months, Julian was able to take his practice from 65K to 80K per month—while cutting his hours down from 25 to 10 per week.

How, exactly, did he do it?

For Julian, there were three key things he did with the help of Practice Acceleration which really helped him get out of the grind and fall in love with his practice again.




The first game changer for Julian came on the hiring front. When Julian first joined Practice Acceleration, he was used to hiring people—but just because he knew how to hire people it doesn't mean they were the RIGHT people.

He realized that if he wanted to grow, he needed to make some major shifts in his hiring practices.

The biggest change? He needed to stop hiring based on skill alone.

Skill is important. But so is culture and personality fit. And Julian realized if he wanted to build the best team, he needed all three.

Julian shifted the way he looked at the hiring process and, as a result, hired some true rockstars on his team—the kind of rockstars who were able to take his practice to the next level.




Once Julian had the right people in place, he realized if he wanted his team—and his practice—to succeed, he needed to create a sense of buy-in with his staff.

He could tell people what to do—but if they didn't understand why they were doing it, they weren't going to give it 100%.

If he could really get his team to understand the importance of what they were doing and how it directly impacted the patients, he knew things would change.

He made it a point to stop telling people what to do and, instead, create buy-in on why they needed to do it. This got his team excited to stand behind his mission—and to do what it takes on a daily basis to take his practice to the next level.




The last piece of the puzzle? Having the right tools to manage his team.

With proven frameworks he'd learned, Julian had the confidence to have tough conversations with his team. He was able to address performance or behavior issues before they spiraled out of control. He had the tools he needed to effectively manage his team—and his team's performance skyrocketed as a result.

Today, Julian’s practice has completely shifted. He's stopped working 60 hours a week. He has the time and flexibility to drop his children off at school — and pick them up at the end of the day. His practice is pulling in enough income that his wife is able to stay home. And they were able to send their son to an amazing private school that provides one-on-one support so his son can study in a mainstream classroom and get the best educational opportunities available to him.

Julian finally has the practice — and life — he dreamed about when he first started his business.

And you can have it, too.

Check in with yourself — is your practice where you want it to be?

Do you spend your time and energy helping your patients and enjoying your life — or are you constantly stressed and overwhelmed with the demands of your practice?

If things didn’t turn out the way you expected them to, it’s time to make a change.

Because if you want something different, you have to do something different.

And the time to make that change? It’s right now.

If you want to learn the frameworks that Julian used to change his practice and his life you should check out my mini training on how to do exactly that!


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