Ready To Quit? Here’s Exactly How To Bounce Back From ANYTHING!

Ready To Quit? Here’s Exactly How To Bounce Back From ANYTHING!

Setbacks are inevitable in business.

Disappointments and distractions can make every day feel like a challenge.

It can put the very best of us on the verge of wanting to quit.

And it's true. The truth is in business, every day is a challenge.

Every single day there's a new challenge and you need a new solution for that.

Without a solution, you'd simply be an emotional rollercoaster…but hang around.

I'm going to show you a bunch of tips to bounce back from anything that happens to be going wrong in your business.

The other day I got a great post in my members-only Facebook group from Shaun who's a physio and his question was this:

Tristan, I've been doing all these systems with my team and my staff but I keep getting pushback. How is it that I can bounce back from these setbacks and disappointments in my business?'

That's an awesome question. It's valid to everyone.

Everyone gets setbacks, disappointments, distractions.

You need solid strategies to enable you to bounce back from setbacks in business, otherwise you simply get stuck.

Even personally I experience this.

Every day can be a challenge. It's never smooth sailing. I wish it was. I'd love to say that it is. I wish it was that way for me as well.

We all encounter setbacks, distractions, disappointments, pushbacks, but the thing is, we need to have a bounce back plan.

We know these things are going to happen, but what is it that we're going do, so we can bounce back from this situation?

In fact we can even make it a bit of fun and gamify the whole thing.

You can turn it into a game that you look forward to playing.

So, the thing is if you don’t have a bounce back plan, Here's what happens:

Let’s say you have a setback, you get pushback, you have a disappointment, you have a distraction, – you get dragged into drama, you lose valuable time, and you're taken off course.

It makes you really reactive, and you make these snap decisions.

That isn't good for anyone because your business is your life.

You're literally gambling with your life when you make snap decisions.

We don't want to do that.

And as a result, you don't reach your goals. And quite simply, it's an emotional and financial rollercoaster.

We do not want that.

Instead, when we install a plan for bouncing back from setbacks, you'll never get derailed again.

In fact, you're always on track, you're always in control, you're always super confident.

You'll never be reactive, because you know what to do when that trigger happens. And quite simply, you feel really good about your practice all the time.

What you accomplish is that you remove the emotional not to mention the financial rollercoaster, and you smash your goals out of the park.

So, here's how we do that.

Write this down!

Action plus response equals outcome. That's nowhere more true than in our business.

So, here's the first thing. You have to think about what is the Number one thing that happens that riles you up or takes you off track – the trigger.

The actual trigger that takes you off course… So, a trigger happens.

Maybe a staff pushes back on you, or maybe your KPI’s are down. That's the trigger.

Then you respond, and based on your response, you get the outcome.

So, it's action, response, and outcome.

I learned that from Jack Canfield. He's a fantastic author. Action plus response equals outcome.

So the first thing is identify the outcomes that you are getting that you want to avoid, that part should be pretty straight forward.

So, the second thing is this, now that you know what the negative outcome that you are getting is, you now need to identify what is bringing about these negative results.

Remember action plus response equals outcome.

So, what we are looking at now is – what is the response, what is the actual thing that you are doing, or not doing that is leading to the negative outcome?

What are negative responses and reactive behaviours that you are exhibiting in your business that you want to eliminate?

Remember – it’s your response that determines your results.

So the third thing you need to do is to look to at the “trigger”.

What is it that triggers this whole process in the first place?

It’s really important to know that you cannot avoid the trigger or triggers.


So identify, what is it that happens that causes you to respond and then brings about the result that you don’t want.

That’s so important, because a trigger goes off, we react, and it’s that reaction, that response that results in the outcomes that you end up getting.

So here’s what needs to happen… it’s very logical, it’s non emotional in the way that we assess it.

We reverse engineer that whole process.

If we know what outcome you want, we have to look at how do we actually change that response to the trigger?

What is the response we need to install instead that can be really positive action?

So, the final part is that. Install the replacement response.

We while we cannot avoid a trigger we can change the response.

So identify a powerful response behaviour you can install instead.

That is something you do have active control over.

You can’t control the trigger and stop it from happening, but you can control how you respond and therefore, you can exert a lot more control over the outcome that you get.


This all may seem really logical, but the reality is that the new behaviour you are adding in, that’s difficult.

Your old behaviours will creep back in.

So here’s what we do and what we recommend for you.

Make that response behaviour your current key performance activity for yourself.

Appoint someone in your team to grade you on it and keep score of how you are doing with your new behaviour.

It’s much like going to the gym. The result you want is more muscle, or better fitness endurance – but to get that, you actually need to attend.

So it makes sense to record how many times you actually go.

In the same light, be accountable to adopting the new behaviour in your business.

In my company, as a CEO of my Practice Acceleration, I get graded.

One of my key performance actions is to install the right responses to triggers.

I'm responsible to my entire team to make sure that I do those.

So, make sure you're accountable to someone else in your team.


I hope that's been super helpful on how you can get rid of those negative behaviours so you can always bounce back from any setbacks.

One of the strategies my members use to overcome this is called the “Self Sabotage Destroyer”.

It's an awesome system to go from reactive and out of control, so that no matter what happens, you're totally in control all the time, you feel super awesome.

That's just one of the hundreds of things I teach my inner circle mastermind members.

If you’d like to see IF and HOW we can help you, there’s a button below, click on that button and it will take you to my diary so you can speak to my team and identify what’s going on for you.

We’d love to find out what’s holding you back, identify what you need and ultimately see if you will excel with our services and products.

Whatever you do – don’t quit.

Remember there’s always a way to bounce back.

Click the button below and book a time if you need to have a chat on how.

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