7 Engaging Facebook Post Ideas for Private Practice Owners

7 Engaging Facebook Post Ideas for Private Practice Owners

The key to building a thriving private practice — and helping the most people — is getting yourself in front of as many potential patients as possible.

And in today’s world, what's the best way to do that?


Facebook is an incredible tool to connect with potential patients, educate them on what you do and how you can help them solve their health issues, and stay front-of-mind when they’re ready to make a decision on which practice they’d like to work with.

And if you want to stay competitive, posting regularly on Facebook is a non-negotiable.

When practice owners use Facebook to constantly educate, inform, and connect with potential patients, they become the go-to expert in their particular practice area — and when the time comes for those patients to choose a practice, they’re the obvious choice.


But the practitioners that don’t use Facebook?

They’re not front-of-mind.

In fact, they’re not on their patients’ minds at all. They’re a commodity instead of an expert. There’s no trust or connection — and no patients.

And with no patients, there’s no practice.

So clearly, Facebook is an important tool for your practice. But developing a Facebook strategy can be a little intimidating for a lot of practice owners.

What, exactly, are you supposed to post about?

Let’s take a look at seven engaging Facebook post ideas for private practice owners that will help you connect with your ideal patients (and drive them straight into your practice):


How-To's on Relieving Particular Symptoms

How many times have you heard a friend or family member complain about neck pain or back pain – something that can easily be helped with some simple exercises or stretches?

One of your biggest opportunities is right here…

Why not use Facebook as a way to help them with said health issue — before they ever step inside your practice and be known as the expert before they even meet you?

For example, let’s say you have a physio practice and one of the main issues you see in your patients is back pain. You could make a video outlining your top tips for relieving back pain and how patients can get more comfortable as well as alleviate their symptoms right now and in between visits.

Creating an educational video that outlines the top tips for dealing with a specific medical issue is a win for you and your patients.

It offers no-strings-attached value to your audience, which helps build trust and gives your potential patients a glimpse into your personality and what it would be like to work with you.

How your patients who you are and how you can help them!

It makes them far more likely to come to you when they’re ready to choose a practice.


Sharing Your “Hero’s Journey”

You started your practice for a reason.

And whatever that reason is, it’s the driving force behind everything you do.

And that driving force? THAT’S what patients are going to connect to.

There are plenty of other practitioners who do what you do, so if you want to drive patients into YOUR practice, you need to show them your “why.”


Facebook is a great place to do it.

Creating a video that shows who you are, what you stand for, and why you do what you do can be extremely powerful; it makes your practice about a bigger cause. And when potential patients connect with that cause, it’ll solidify that you’re the practice they want to work with.

Think about your own journey to starting your practice. What is your mission? What are your core values? What drives you to do what you do every day?

When you can translate who you are and why you do what you do into video, it fosters a higher sense of connection with potential patients — and that connection will ultimately fuel their “why” of seeking help from your practice.



Ask Questions, Get Insights

Facebook is a great place to deliver information about your practice to potential patients — but it’s also a great place to gather information for your practice from potential patients.

Think of questions you have for your patients that could help you better serve them, and then ask away! For example, you might ask, “What’s the biggest problem you’re struggling with right now?” or “What’s the one thing you feel is missing from most treatments?”

By asking for your audience’s insights, you not only give them a platform to make themselves heard, but you also get first-hand feedback on how you can better tailor to your patients needs — and that feedback will only make your practice better.


Alternatively, instead of asking questions of your potential patients, you can give them the opportunity to ask you whatever questions are on their mind by hosting a Q&A.

Schedule a time to hop on Facebook Live and take real-time questions from your audience. This not only does this give you an opportunity to showcase your expertise, but it also shows your audience that you’re committed to helping them, whether they’re part of your practice or not — and that can be the push they need to partner with you.


Tie Your Content to a Time/Theme

If you’re ever struggling for ideas about what to post on Facebook, a great place to start is always looking for a theme to tie your content to.

There are TONS of opportunities for themed content throughout the year, whether it’s seasonal (like summer) or situational (like back-to-school).

For example, let’s say you’re a podiatrist. Some great examples of themed Facebook content could be:

  • How to choose the right school shoes for your child as they return to the classroom (back-to-school)
  • The best running shoes to keep you active this winter (winter season)
  • New year, new feet: A checklist for foot health in the upcoming year (new year)

The point is, look for opportunities to tie your content to a timely theme; these posts are fun, get a lot of engagement, and are a great way to show a little personality to potential clients.


At-Home Exercise Routines

No matter what kind of practice you have, a key element to supporting your patients’ health is helping them make exercise a part of their regular routine.

So why not do it on Facebook?

Sharing exercise routines your patients can do at home — particularly if it ties to the issue they’re struggling with — is a great way to deliver value to your audience and establish yourself as an expert resource.

For example, if you own a physio practice, you could put together an at-home fitness routine that helps people struggling with pain and stiffness start incorporating movement back into their day.

Because form is so important when it comes to exercise — especially if people are struggling with physical issues — you’ll definitely want to create a video showing them how to do each exercise and then share it on Facebook.


Partner With Another Business

Another great idea for creating Facebook content?

Branch out and co-create content with another business that’s closely related to your practice.

Co-creating content serves a few purposes. Number one, it allows you to branch out and deliver a different spin on content your potential patients would be interested in. And number two?

It allows you to get in front of your partner’s audience, which increases your reach and can drive new patients into your practice.

You can co-create content with anyone who shares a similar audience; it could be a gym, a local soccer club, a childcare center, or a nearby school.

The point is, you want to find a partner where the content you create will be mutually beneficial. You provide helpful content to their audience; they provide helpful content to your audience; you both get to increase your reach. Everybody wins.


Show Your Audience How You’re Giving Back

People want to work with businesses — including health practices — that give back to their communities.

So if you’re involved with your community, you need to be telling people — and Facebook is the perfect platform to do it.

Do you volunteer with a local sporting organisation? Are you partnering with a local charity to deliver services to an under-served part of your community? Are you sponsoring a fun run? If so, post about it.

Not only can it help you get support for the work you’re doing in the community, but it also shows potential clients that you’re invested in giving back — and that can make a huge impact on their decision to work with you.


Coming up with content for Facebook can be a challenge. But with these engaging post ideas, you have everything you need to connect with your audience on social media, increase your reach, and drive new patients into your practice. So get out there and get posting!

If you need some more tips on getting started you should check out my mini training on how to do exactly that!


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