The Number One Reason Why Practices Are Failing With Email Marketing

The Number One Reason Why Practices Are Failing With Email Marketing

Not getting new patients from your database? Here’s why!

Bing! Another email…
Bing! Another email…
– Delete
– Delete
– Delete
I get so many emails a day that there’s no way I could even begin to tell you the number of companies sending messages to my inbox.
When I see all those emails piled up by lunch there’s only very few that I’d even bother to open.
You get me, right?
If you think this is the part of the blog where I tell you that email marketing doesn’t work and you should just throw your database in the toilet, then think again.
You see while there a lot of people are hitting the delete button on emails it’s also where people spend a massive amount of money.

In fact, your database is likely to be one of the most underutilized assets to your business.

How? You ask.

Well it’s common practice to hand over your email address to a myriad of different companies – you want that extra 10% off at the counter, that free coffee, that free initial appointment.

The majority of them – will delete, delete, delete on those emails.

A few of those companies you’ll like the look of and develop a relationship with, taking an interest in some of those emails and having a skim through every now and then.

And an even more select few companies, you’ll want to click the links in the emails and spend with.

But what separates these companies?

What are they doing that you can’t?

There’s no big secret behind what they’re doing.

Well actually there is a secret.

But it’s a secret system.

There’s a system these companies are following to win their way into your heart and eventually make their way into your pockets.

It all begins with the word ‘connection’.

Forming a valuable connection with your database is no easy feat.

Trust me, I know.

When I started out in business I sent out my fair share of emails that nobody responded to and can totally relate to the feeling of disappointment when your hard work has no impact.

There’s a few simple mistakes that can lead you down this path.

Believe me, I’ve done them all at some stage.

So in this blog I’ve pinpointed a few of those stumbling blocks you need to address so that email is for you the new and returning patient magnet it was intended to be.

And don’t worry, I know you’re not a writer and you certainly didn’t get into the healthcare business because you thought writing ad copy would be a laugh.

Emails end up in the trash for a variety of reasons.

Usually there’s too much content, it’s not relevant information and most importantly there’s no real connection between the sender and the reader (or deleter).

As a practice owner you are no doubt an expert. But you also need to be an authority and trusted figure in your space in all spheres. Including email.

Let me take you through some simple points that you need to address in every email and sequence to make your database great.

Here’s why this is MORE important than it EVER has been in healthcare history:  

  • If you don’t address this now your database will simply continue to leave your emails in the trash bin
  • Nobody is going to take action on your offers.
  • Without this you won’t get the new patients and you won’t grow
  • You’ll be missing out on the single greatest opportunity in your business

So if you do want that high open rate which will sprint new and existing patients into action on your offers – it’s time to take a good look at your email marketing

So, here’s what you should be asking yourself.

Are YOU Ready to grow your business with new patients and best of all, an asset base you can sell?

Let’s get down to business!

Here’s what you need to be working on:



1. Content vs Engagement

Listen up (or get deleted).

There’s a sweet spot. The spot when hit it, every shot is a winner.

And that sweet spot, where content and entertainment meet one another, that IS where you get ENGAGEMENT.

And ENGAGEMENT is where you get bookings, and….profits.

Trust me, I know.

Coming from an allied health professional background, I know how concerned you are about giving readers enough content and value

After all, we’re used to writing journal articles and don’t have the easiest writing styles to digest at the best of times.

What we must realise is that connection trumps content every time.

I’d rather read about a quick trick on how you taped up your friends sprained ankle on the weekend than 2 pages on the details of how orthotics work.

While you might have some great points to write about and want to get across to your audience, they need a lot of persuasion to make it to that point.

You need to develop a rapport with the reader.

When they see your name pop up in the subject line the immediate thought needs to be ‘open’ rather than ‘delete’.

Would you rather book in with the faceless physiotherapy or podiatry center smack bang in the middle of town?

Or would you rather book in with someone you know and trust?

Bring personality to your content and become their friend who really wants to help.

Show you’re a professional but you’re also human.

Rather than focusing on putting lots of information on the page, focus on making sure it’s easy to read and is relatable.

Huge chunks of information are simply not going to fly in this day and age.

People need enough information in order to help themselves but not so much as to be drowning in it.

Let people help themselves.


2. Low frequency

Far too many practice owners press send on one email when they’re struggling to get enough patients through the door and expect big results.

I’ve got news for you.

Clicking the send button sporadically every few months will never bring results in.

Treat your database like your friends, your best friends!

Ask yourself this “What would happen if you contacted your best friend twice a year, and both times it was because you wanted something from them?”

My bet, is that you would be settling into some couch and Netflix time all ALONE. Maybe with the company of a bottle of Johnny Walker at best…Just saying…

You shouldn’t be reaching out to your database just when you’re dying for new patients.

Reaching out to your database should be a weekly activity.

Communicating with your database regularly about valuable content is an absolute key to email marketing success.

Providing this specific and easy to read content to your database will build up trust with your prospective audience.

You want them to see your name in the subject line, click open and most of all book – because they know you have something interesting to say because you do it all the time.

Constantly communicating with your database makes you a likable brand personality and your open rates will increase.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your audience – they’re on the list for a reason.

Do it with personality and do it with purpose.


3. Tunnel vision

This is the NUMBER one problem we see. It’s a profit killer.

Keep reading…

Even if you are sending out that once a week email, things still might not be working.

Well, not working the way you really want it to.

You might be working on those emails really hard and thing you’ve got it all down pat but are still receiving minimal success.

Now I don’t know about you but my email inbox is certainly not where I spend the majority of my time on the phone.

I spend a lot of time on Facebook.

And the fact of the matter is that if you’re not on Facebook too you’re missing out.

The average person checks in on Facebook 13 times a day.

It’s easy to get tunnel vision and think it’s all about the email.

But in reality it’s essential to be reaching out to your database on multiple channels.

If your patients are on Facebook, that’s where you need to be too.

If they’re on Instagram, that’s where you need to be too.

If they’re using Google to find a place to go, you need to be in the ads too!

Doing one thing and doing it well simply isn’t enough anymore, you need to be everywhere.


4. No call to action

I’ve come across way too many emails in my time that have no real call to action.

You might have some great information on how to fix your running style or pick the right shoes, but when it ends with only information this is a no go.

Are your emails just an article?

I know that health professionals are terrified to make offers.

With the training you’ve been through and organisations such as APRA looking over your shoulder it’s easy to see why you’d be afraid of making offers.

Missing that last action step is costing you infinite dollars.

Potential patients need to be asked to make micro commitments in order to get through the door.

They’re not booking in because you haven’t asked them to!

What I need you to do is measure the amount of offers you made last week.

Write that down.

Now how many leads did you get last week?

Write that down.

Now let me promise you the amount of offers you make is directly responsible for the amount of leads you get.

If you don’t ask to book people in – they won’t book in.

Every email you write needs a clear call to action.

If you’re missing this call to action step, you’re missing out on explosive results.
Something I mentioned not quite right in your email marketing system?

I’ve never met anyone who has got this right the first time!

The good news is there’s plenty you can do about this.

Database marketing is to word of mouth leads on steroids.

Take me up on this:

Here’s my CTA.

I want to help you.

You want my help.

So, read below to hear about my generous offer:

If you’re ready to get new patients through the door and have them opening your emails for the first time in well, maybe ever – it’s time to address the elephant in the room.

If you don’t address the problems with your database those open rates will stay the same and those potential new patients won’t make it through the door.

Your emails will stay in the trash folder.

If you need a helping hand in getting people to take action on your offers I’m your man.

If these hot tips resonate with you I’d like to invite you to a Database Marketing Strategy Session.

In this session one of my experts can help you address your email marketing problems and help build your database into an asset you can sell.

Stop missing out on the single greatest opportunity in your business and book in for a strategy session today.

Let’s get you on track.

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