
Many practitioners avoid rebooking appointments out of fear that they'll be seen as pushy or needy. As a result, they don't say anything about rebooking at the end of the appointment, and the client simply leaves without scheduling another session. However, this fear is misplaced and is actually hurting your practice. When you do not rebook your clients, you are missing out on essential repeat business.

Cancellations are one of the major problems in every healthcare practice. Albeit common, it causes a lot of chaos in the business. How do you prevent cancellations from happening and save your business from massive profit and opportunity loss? When cancellations occur, it creates a sequence of negative outcomes for you, your healthcare practice, and the patient. It indicates that patients don’t consider your time valuable, they don’t get the results they want, you miss a lot of opportunities, and it’s a total waste of energy. To put an end to your cancellation dilemma, you’ll have to do a reality check and figure out how much cancelled appointments are costing your practice. It gives you a clear picture of what needs to be done and the policies you need to implement. In this special episode, we’ll share with you the behind-the-scenes of a training session from our Facebook group, The Practice Owners Inner Circle. We explored the 5 Steps to Eliminating Cancellations in Your Practice.

In this episode, we’ll share 3 ways to confidently overcome patient objections. Healthcare practice owners need to approach objections with curiosity, become aware of the possible objections and how to handle them. Lastly, you have to make patients feel they’re part of a collaborative effort by asking and drawing out objections they may have. It’s time to stop playing from a safe zone and learn how to overcome patient objections. By doing so, you’re guiding them towards the best treatment path, and you build better relationships with them.

If not managed properly, meetings can quickly become ineffective and unproductive. This is often due to the fact that people who should not be in attendance are allowed to stay, or because the agenda is poorly planned. As a result, it is important to take the time to carefully consider who needs to be at the meeting, and what needs to be discussed. With a little bit of effort, meetings can be a valuable tool for promoting collaboration and improving communication within a team.

The world is in the grip of an epidemic. And no, it’s not Zika or Ebola. It’s called “busyness.” We are all so busy we can hardly stop to breathe. And for many of us, this is a badge of honour. We think if we’re busy, then we must be important and successful. But what if being busy is actually killing our practices? What if all the rushing around is preventing us from achieving our goals? In this episode, we'll give you 3 Reasons Why “Busyness” Is KILLING Your Practice. Although it may seem counterintuitive, being busy can actually hold you back from achieving your goals.