25 Feb Sick of Team Underperformance? Apply These 5 Rules
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Is your team falling short of expectations? Are you frustrated by inefficiency, cultural misalignment, or carrying the weight of everything yourself? Today, we're giving you 5 simple rules to create a high-performing, world-class team that works together, takes ownership, and drives incredible results.
What You'll Learn:
- Goal & Role Clarity: Get everyone crystal clear on their roles, goals, and how to win.
- Scheduled Coaching Conversations: Stay connected with regular check-ins that realign and energize your team.
- Master Management Conversations: Be a coach and a manager. Call out underperformance and celebrate wins.
- Detach from the Drama: Don't let excuses and negativity derail progress. Stay focused on solutions.
- Demand More: Stretch your A-players with challenges and responsibilities that inspire them to grow.
What’s one way you’ve leveled up your team performance recently? Share it below!
Want to know more? Tune in now!
Gain extra 30 to 50+ new patients every month by clicking this link to book a demo call with my team https://practiceacceleration.com/application
If this sounds interesting to you, book a demo call with my team https://practiceacceleration.com/application
If you’re looking for ways to grow your healthcare practice even faster, join our free Facebook group Scale Your Practice: https://www.facebook.com/groups/practiceownersinnercircle
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If you haven’t listened to our previous episode talking about the How to Take Control of Your Life by Mastering the Art of Saying NO Episode 357.
P.S. If you want to learn more on how to scale your healthcare practice, chat with one of our expert coaches at https://practiceacceleration.com/application and see how we can help you!
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If you’re looking for ways to grow your healthcare practice even faster, join our free Facebook group Scale Your Practice.
Click here to speak to my team about how we can help.