The 3 Roles Every Practice Owner Must Embrace to Build a Million Dollar Practice

The 3 Roles Every Practice Owner Must Embrace to Build a Million Dollar Practice

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A healthcare practice owner's role is crucial because they balance delivering excellent patient care while managing the business's operations and growth. Their leadership directly impacts the quality of care, patient satisfaction, and the overall success and sustainability of the practice.
In this episode, Tristan and Dave discuss the three key roles every healthcare practice owner must focus on to build a million-dollar practice. These roles are important for scaling your business, ensuring profitability, and creating a sustainable, thriving culture that supports growth.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why profit should be your primary focus and responsibility as the CEO
  • Why hiring the right people is essential for growth.
  • Why you need to build a great culture to keep your business growing.

Want to know more? Tune in now!

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If you haven’t listened to our previous episode talking about The Instant Replay Formula – How to Leverage Your Team's PerformanceEpisode 343.

P.S. If you want to learn more on how to scale your healthcare practice, chat with one of our expert coaches at and see how we can help you! 

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