
In this podcast episode, we delve into the groundbreaking "250M team scaling system," offering a fresh perspective on scaling teams within businesses. We challenge the conventional notions of seeking a singular "unicorn" staff member and trying to mold team members to mirror the business owner.

As a business, the most important asset to the success of your practice is undoubtedly the patients you serve. While growing your patient base is essential for maintaining sustainability and profitability, it’s equally important to cultivate relationships with existing patients in order to ensure loyalty and long-term growth. Unfortunately, many medical practices are not proactive when it comes to engaging their dormant or inactive database of patients—which can have serious consequences for their bottom lines. In this episode, we talk about the Five-Minute Patient Reactivation System. This simple yet powerful solution allows you to effectively reconnect with large numbers of inactive customers quickly and efficiently; restoring activity levels with minimal effort on the part of your staff!

Are you struggling to grow your practice? Uncertainty about whether your decisions are leading to success or vulnerability can be overwhelming. But what if there was a reliable way to gain strategic certainty and set measurable targets for your practice's growth? Look no further than nailing your numbers. In this episode, we dive into the importance of understanding and managing key financial performance metrics. By focusing on your numbers, you'll be able to accurately track the progress of your practice over time, make course corrections, and create financial assurance. This will give you the confidence you need to expand and refine your strategies for growth, no matter how much revenue your practice brings in - or out - each month. Don't miss out on the opportunity to take your practice to the next level with certainty and success.

Are you dreaming of taking an extended holiday, escaping from the hustling and bustling of everyday life and finally having a chance to relax? But maybe you feel guilty because you think taking some time off means your business will suffer. In this episode, we'll share 3 tactics to profit while you're on holiday. Through these tactics, you'll be able to stay connected to your business and make sure it runs smoothly while you're away.

In this episode, we talk about how you can reduce cancellations and generate more income. Cancellations happen for a variety of reasons, and some of those reasons are out of your control. But this doesn't mean that you can't do anything about it. Today we are going to take you behind the scenes of a training session that we covered in our Facebook group The Practice Owners Inner Circle. Few things are more frustrating for a business than wasted time and effort. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common occurrence in the world of healthcare. In fact, cancellations account for billions of dollars in lost revenue each year. Listen to this episode now to learn how to lessen cancellations.

Is your medical practice struggling to bring in more high-paying patients? It's not uncommon for practices to find themselves in this situation. In fact, in today's economy, it is more important than ever for hospitals and healthcare facilities to attract high-paying patients. High-paying patients are those who have private insurance or are self-pay. They are also more likely to be seen as a valuable customer by the staff and physicians at your hospital or healthcare facility. In this episode, we'll share with you 3 marketing hacks that attract more high more paying patients. Through these hacks, you'll be able to increase your chances of attracting high-paying patients to your facility.