3 Ways To Confidently Overcome Patient Objections

3 Ways To Confidently Overcome Patient Objections

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Sounding salesy or pushy is the worst thing you can do when recommending treatment plans for patients. Not only will these push patients away, but it also forfeits your chance to build a lasting relationship with them.

Getting objections from patients during consultations is normal. But instead of looking at it as an opportunity for patients to be informed about treatment plans, healthcare professionals may see it as a personal objection.

This generates fear, and you’ll avoid having these conversations. Also, you might fall into the trap of suggesting treatments that you know will be accepted, also known as working from a safe zone.

In this episode, we’ll share 3 ways to confidently overcome patient objections. Healthcare practice owners need to approach objections with curiosity, become aware of the possible objections and how to handle them. Lastly, you have to make patients feel they’re part of a collaborative effort by asking and drawing out objections they may have.

In this episode of the Practice Acceleration Podcast you’ll learn:

  • The usual objections you’ll hear
  • How to reframe objections
  • The best ways to handle pre-objections
  • How to draw objections from patients 

It’s time to stop playing from a safe zone and learn how to overcome patient objections. By doing so, you’re guiding them towards the best treatment path, and you build better relationships with them.

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If you haven’t listened to our previous episode about the Hot Seat Session Andrew Roberts, go back and check out Episode 249.

P.S If you want to learn more tips about how to get new patients, chat to one of our expert coaches at practiceacceleration.com/meet and see how we can help you!

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