
Part two of our new patient journey series has arrived! We all love those patients who are raving fans of your practice – they post about you on Facebook, they tell all their friends, they leave you reviews…. don’t you wish you had more of those? I’m sure the answer to that is a HELL YES! Ever wondered how this actually happens? How you can go from being virtually unknown to having a tribe of loyal followers who not only keep coming back but also influence so many others to do the same? In this series we’re talking about the new patient journey, which covers exactly how it happens and how you can get more dream patients to follow suit. You’ll get access to our new patient ascension ladder model and dive deep into the final five phases – convert, commit, ascend, excite and promoter. Tune in to this episode and go behind the scenes of what we do with our high end clients for best ways to get your marketing out there, get known and see patients come through again and again. By moving through this proven framework we can take a clinic from being completely unknown to very busy, very fast because just by following the system. We hope you love this episode!

We all love those patients who are raving fans of your practice – they post about you on Facebook, they tell all their friends, they leave you reviews…. don’t you wish you had more of those? I’m sure the answer to that is a HELL YES! Ever wondered how this actually happens? How you can go from being virtually unknown to having a tribe of loyal followers who not only keep coming back but also influence so many others to do the same?

We get it! coming up with content for Facebook can be a challenge! But the key to building a thriving private practice — and helping the most people — is getting yourself in front of as many potential patients as possible. And in today’s world, what's the BEST way to do that? Facebook. We all know it’s an important tool for your practice and to stay competitive Facebook is a MUST, but we know developing a social media strategy can be a little intimidating.

When you first start out, being extremely busy in your practice feels great…it’s something to be proud of, after all you’ve worked so hard to get there. As you grow, hanging on to a big patient load or lots of those extra responsibilities can make you feel safer, knowing that your practice is secure as you are still needed. However, when you start working too many crazy hours and commit yourself to being here there and everywhere for too long, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and burn out. When you do go to reprioritize your tasks and try to improve your efficiency, it still might not work due to the fact that you simply have too much work for one person to handle alone these days. When that time does come, it’s best that you accept that you need help and commit to making a change. Working long hours and handling too much over a long period of time can and WILL eventually start wearing you down. As a practitioner, you know very well that continuous stress results in your body breaking down – something you definitely can’t afford when trying to run a practice.