24 Jul [CLIENT INTERVIEW] Meet Neesha, a Physio from Sydney who grew her business by $564,000/year
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Meet Neesha…
Before discovering Practice Acceleration, Neesha was a well-respected Physiotherapy Business owner.
But, Neesha was stuck, stressed, handcuffed to her business…and not NEARLY earning what she deserved.
“I was constantly thinking about my business, I could NEVER switch off. I was scared if I stopped what I was doing, it would all fall over…I didn’t know what to do”
Her clinic was SO dependent on her she was worried she wouldn’t even be able to the school drop off or pick up for her young boys and was stressed she would be an absent parent.
Listen now to learn how she used the Practice Acceleration Method to…
- Grow her Physiotherapy Business by $564,000/year
- Systemise her business to run seamlessly every day without her
- Build an AMAZING team that help her patients get exceptional results (to Neesha’s EXACT high standards)
- Achieve quarter on quarter growth for 3 years running!
Listen to this episode NOW and learn why Neesha chose to work with Tristan Bond and Practice Acceleration!
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